
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 15:06:16

[Dr. Dre] Marshall, sounds like an S.O.S. [Dr Dre]: Marshall, 听着像是个求救信号。 [Eminem] Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you're fuckin'right [Eminem]: 神圣的打击不抒情的,Andre,你说的对! [Dr. Dre] To the rapmobile, let's go! [Dr Dre]: 上说唱车,我们走! [Lady] Marshall! Marshall! [Eminem] Bitches and Gentleman, it's showtime! 婊子们先生们!表演时间! Hurry, hurry step right up! 快,快,马上过来! Introducing the star of our show, his name is... 下面是今天表演的主角,他的名字是。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You wouldn't wanna be anywhere else in the world rightnow 你现在再也不想去这世上的别处 So without further or do, I bring to you... 所以干脆,跟我来。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You're 'bout to witness hip hop in its most purest 你可能目击了hiphop的真相 most rawest form flow, almost flawless 都是最刺人又无暇的FLOW most hardest, most honest, known artist 都是最强硬又真实的艺术大师 Chip off the old block but old Doc' is back 切下老的阻滞但是老的DOC又回来 Looks like Batman brought his own Robin 看着就像蝙蝠侠带来了他的罗宾 Oh God, Saddam's got his own Laden 哦天,亚当带了他的Laden with his on private