
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 08:16:48
1.home cooking (家常做法)
2.make one's way to 〔(艰难地)走去〕
3.just then (正在那时)
4.first of all (首先,第一)
5.go wrong (走错路)
6.make a noise (吵闹,喧哗)


1. The meal is home cooking
2. Sam made his way to the high mountain.
3. June went out of the office, just then, her desk dropped down.
4. First of all, you must keep your room clean.
5. I was late for the lesson, because i went wrong to the other classroom
6. The children make a big noise in the class.

1This dish is home cooking.2We made our way to the hill.3Just then there was a sound in the classroom.