
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 02:09:41
有没有知道丹麦的考格商学院(Koge Business College)的朋友,请你跟我讲一下这个学校的概况,是不是职业学院,读出来后再丹麦国家有没承认的,毕业后再修学士学位还行不行? 最好是在丹麦的朋友说下啊! 谢谢了,+高分悬赏

I know this college. You can get AP (Acadamic Professional) Degree, 2 years, 120 ECTS. This is a special programme in Danish Education System. You can continue to study in only 1 or 1.5 years to get the bachelor degree (210 ECTS), 50% of the ECTS can be transfered to the Universities. Some of students who have some related working experiences can continue the Master Degree.

I have been studied this kind of business college before, now I am studying for the bachelor degree. It won't be any problem.
