求英语作文idea 高分追加

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 08:11:12
1.Write an essay in which you present your own position about whether supermarkets should or should not be forced to ban magazines (related to tabloid celebrity culture, beauty, and sexuality) from checkouts or whether supermarkets should stop selling magazines entirely. conversely, you chould write about whether or not pre-teens(aged 10-12) and teens (aged 13-16) should be allowed to buy and read such magazines. consider the possible benefits and detriments which lie inside the glossy pages of this medium.Note:you could talk about specifically girls or boys, or both.

2.several of our readings consider various gender related questions and concerns,particularly the extent to which gender-based equality has been reached in North America in the twenty first century.people discusses the representation and treatment of women within te world of advertising, noting women still tend to be represented in ways that reinforce inequily.some stance that men are now becoming the disadvant

1。I used to think that all the most important equality (race, gender, beliefs, sexual orientation), moral, scientific or economical discoveries were made in America. I thought people there received awesome education and understood everyone.

Now all I hear about it are troubles and people blaming each other. Come to think of it, Most people are more and more seriously hateful of everyone that are not their copy.

Well, I also know Americans like to exaggerate a lot and tend to fall for extreme believes, but I still can't shake the feeling that dear America is ruining all it stood for.
2。A lot of the measures have been in the form of cultural perception of the roles

There is still some area's at the very top levels where there is a disparity but again the first thing to be done is changing the general perception of right and wrong once this is done it becomes possible to pass legislation that prohibits discrimination - For the most part