in the 16-29 age group ,32%of women smoke __28%of men

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:49:37
A compared to
B comparing with
c comparing to
D compared with

本来知道这两个短语的区别,一个是把..和..比较,一个是把..比做..,后看了一本书,又搞糊涂了,说的是comepare to 也可表比较,怎么回事啊

compare with与…比较,compare to比喻为
①Let's compare this article with that one. 让我们把这篇文章和那篇文章作一下比较。
②The heart is often compared to a pump. 心脏常被比作水泵。

compare的过去分词短语形式用作状语时, 不管同类还是异类, compared with和compared to都可以用。例:
Compared with/to western countries, China uses materials very carefully. 和西方相比,中国使用物资很节省。

In the 16-19 age group, 32% of women smoke, compared to/with 28% of men。
在16-19岁年龄组中, 与28%的男人相比, 有32%的女人抽烟。

这里 填 ABCD 四个都对

compare to 和compare with 在大多数句子里,基本上没有曲别
A compares to B - 拿A 去和B 比
A compares with B - A 和B 相比
关键 就在 to 和with 这两个词的不同

adds A to B
adds A with B 同样解释

com·pared / kəm`perd / adjective

compared to/with used for talking about the ways in which two things

are different, or about the ways in which something has changed: