谢谢帮帮忙 急急急急急急急急急~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:55:13
report:can you tell me what you saw here today?
boy;well i was walking downcenter stere when a UFO landed.
boy;right here.
Boy:An alien got out of the UFO.
Girl:When the alien got out of the UFO, I was shopping
Report:Then what happened ?
Girl:Well,Then the alien ____ do you see the store over there--and bought a souenir.
Report:So,what did you do ?
Girl:____,I called the police

1.Where did the UFO land?
2.Then what happened?
3.What were you doing when the alien got out of the UFO?
4.went into a souvenir

where did you see that?
after the ufo landed,what did you see?
what are you doing when the alien got out of the UFO?
entered the store

Where did the UFO land?

what happened?

what were you doing when the alien got out of the UFO?

got into a souvenir shop
