英文电影 要求英文配音,中文字幕,(更重要的是从电影中我学到了什么,简洁,用英文)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:31:08

From this film,i have known that there is a kind of passion which is more pure than friendship,and more great than love!

2.木乃伊归来(The mummy)
It tells us that true love can really cross the oceans of time!

3.勇敢的心(brave heart)
what do we know from it is"everyone dies,but not everyone reslly lives".A real hero is the one who can fight for freedom of his motherland.我们从此明白了“每个人固有一死,但不是每个人活的都有意义”一个真正的英雄总是可以为祖国的自由而战的。

4.男人百分百(what women what)
This is an interesting film that tells us men and women are from different places,but where is love,where is compromise.这个喜剧告诉我们男人和女人来自不同的星球.但是哪里有爱,哪里总是会有妥协:)

5.电锯惊魂(The saw)
From it we can learn everybody has a devil in his heart.When you encounter something not fair,forgiving is always the best policy.每个人的心中都有个心魔,但当你面对不公平的事时,宽恕总是最上策.


功夫熊猫 everyo