
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 20:23:21
感谢andychewbj对我刚才翻译的帮助 Upon the occurrence of any loss or damage to the Works or Plant prior to Take Over from any cause whatsoever, the Contractor shall proceed or procure that the Supplier proceeds immediately to restore, replace or repair the same at his own expense save only that any monies received under the Contractor's CAR/TP Policy shall be paid in the first instance to the Employer and then (less the amount allowed for therein in respect of professional fees) released to the Contractor by instalments pursuant to Certificates of Payment issued by the Engineer pro rata to the Contract Value of the restoration, replacement and repair work. Where the work is carried out prior to the receipt of insurance proceeds, the Engineer shall issue Certificates for Payment pro rata to the work done in advance of the receipt of the proceeds provided that the Contractor shall have complied with his obligations under this Clause in relation to the loss or damage and paid (where applicable)

一旦发生的任何损失或损害,该项工程或植物之前接管的任何因由,承包者应进行或采购,该供应商的收益,立即恢复,更换或修理,同时在自己的利益为代价保存,只是任何款项下收到承包商的汽车/总磷的政策,应充分注意在第一时间向雇主,然后(不足的金额,让有在尊重专业服务费)公布向承办分期付款根据证书的付款方式发出由工程师按比例该合同的价值恢复,更换和修理工作。那里的工作是进行之前收到的保险收益,工程师应签发证书的付款比例,以所做的工作在前进收到收益的规定,承包者应遵守他所规定的义务,这条在有关向损失或损害,并支付(如适用) ,所有的过激和免赔额适用于存在的
