来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 12:25:09
Diam makes the displays that make the sale. The firm designs, makes, installs, and maintains custom retail displays for both retailers and manufacturers. Diam's point of purchase displays and retail fixtures include back wall cosmetic systems, counter displays, fixtures for electronics requiring power and security, floorstands, kiosks, and stock shelving solutions. Operating globally and comprising Diam USA and Diam Europe Diam Display China(DDC) subsidiaries, the company has manufacturing facilities in the US and overseas. Founded in 1953 Diam's customers today include Clinique, L'Or�al, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Wal-Mart.

Diam 制造作售卖的展览。 坚定的设计,制造,安装,而且为零售商和制造业者维持习惯零售展览。购买展览和零售的 Diam's 的点固定物包括后面的墙壁化妆用的系统,柜台显示, 固定物为电子学需要力量和安全, floorstands ,亭和存货成斜坡的解决。全球地操作和包含 Diam 美国和 Diam 欧洲 Diam 展览中国 (DDC) 子公司, 公司已经制造在美国的设备和在海外。 发现今天在 1953 Diam's 的客户包括倩碧 , L'Or?al ,微软,任天堂和 Wal-市场。