我的GRE argument模考,求高人看看够四分么?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 17:17:21
不用太细看 就帮忙负责任的说个分就好了~
argument 53 time :30 minutes words:405

In this argument,the editorial asserts that melatonin increasing before birth may cause shyness during infancy and will effect the life longer.To support this recommendation the arguer quote a research which began thirteen years before of the connection of melatonin and the behaviors of 25 infants.This argument is logically defective in three critical respects.

First,the arguer assumes that the conclusion he drawed on the basis of the experiment of melatonin based on 25 infants.However,merely 25 infants are hardly sufficient to establish a general conclusion of all human.It is entirely conceivable that many other infants whose increased levels of melatonin are higher than normal levels have no signs of distress identified themselves as shy.Growing environments of children are also absolutely vital for the charactoristic of children,besides,the test has passed 13 years.Without eliminating this pos


