求单片机系统的所有指令的英文全称,比如说(MOV是move )

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 15:17:05

MOV (Move)
MOVC (Move Code)
MOVX (Move External)
XCH (Exchange)
AJMP (Absolute Jump)
LJMP (Long Jump)
SJMP (Short Jump)
JMP (Jump Indirect)
JZ (Jump Zero)
JNZ (Jump Not Zero)
JC (Jump if Carry)
JNC (Jump if Not Carry)
JB (Jump if Bit is set)
JNB (Jump if Not Bit)
JBC (If Bit is set and Clear Bit)
CJNE (Compare and Jump if Not Equal)
DJNZ (Decrement and Jump if Not Zero)
ACALL (Absolute Call)
LCALL (Long Call)
RET (Return)
NOP (No Operation)
ADDC (Add with Carry)
SUBB (Substract with Borrow)
MUL (Multiply)
DIV (Divide)
INC (Increment)
DEC (Decrement)
ANL (Logical AND)
ORL (Logical OR)
XRL (Logical Exclusive OR)
CPL (Complement)
CLR (Clear)
SEBT (Set Bit)
RL (Rotate Left)
RR (Rotate Right)
RLC (Rotate Left throught the Carry flag)
RRC (Rotate Right throught the Carry flag)