时尚装苑直击盛夏穿衣禁忌 插曲

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 14:37:50
在时尚装苑 一起栏目 直击盛夏穿衣禁忌中 有一段插曲很好听.



Spend all your time waiting for that second chance用全部的时间等待第二次机会
For a break that would make it OK 因为逃避能使一切更好
There’s always some reasons to feel not good enough 总是有理由说感觉不够好
And it’s hard at the end of the day在一日将尽之时觉得难过
I need some distraction or a beautiful release我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱
Memories seep from my veins回忆自我的血管渗出
Let me be empty and weightless让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂
And maybe I’ll find some peace tonight也许今晚我可以得到一些平静

In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里
Fly away from here飞离此地
From this dark, cold hotel room远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间
And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕