2007年最嗨最劲加快全中文串烧 歌曲里的第一首歌叫什么?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 11:35:30
http://www.djkk.com/song/24546.html 地址在这,跪求了

Camelot - Rise And Fall


Oah Oah Rise and Fall
No more tears for bleeding horse
Now I will survive
Don't know where and don't know why

In the land of the seven hills
Every man is working hard
Children play with wooden tools
Women pray for food

Suddenly one old man says
Dark clouds on horizon
Every mean five feet tall
Takes his sword and shield


Ash of war on ancient ground
Dying man on red blood land
No one's war mans no name grave
Love will not survive

Fight for peace not for god
Soul is steel life is gold
In the land of the seven hills
Now we rest in peace


2007年最嗨最劲加快全中文串烧第2首男女对唱的歌叫什么名字啊.. 最美王朝2007全中文伤感专集 请问迪厅里的舞曲是怎么制作出来的?如何加快歌曲速度? 译成全中文!!! wwe全中文 带有 加快进攻节奏 歌词的歌曲 寻找KISS KISS 加快的DJ 歌曲~~ 如果让歌曲加快播放保存下来 我的魔兽争霸里的技能一些是中文一些是英文,怎么改成全中文啊? 加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快!加快