
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:56:32
I hated going back into an animal's belly. Aside from the glaring proof of failure, it was a slow, untidy process. Sharp, clean lines of white and red were traded for jagged edges of lavender and crimson where tissue had been crushed and bruised by the scalpel scissors, needle, and forceps.

我不喜欢去回到动物的腹部。 除失败之外闪耀炫目证明,它是一个缓慢,不整洁过程。 锋利,现代设计白色和红色为组织由解剖刀剪刀、针和镊子击碎了并且挫伤了淡紫色和绯红色的接合的边缘被换了。