
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:26:39
第三次世界大赛的男子全能冠军,27岁的杨威终于完成了对前辈李宁和李小双的超越,成为了中国体操历史上最为耀眼的体操巨星,在体操难度比20年前远高出一大截的情况下,在一群后生小子的激烈追逐下,已经是两届世界冠军的杨威不仅顽强的挺住,而且用一年比一年更精彩的表现,向世人证明了什么叫做至尊王者。 对中国体操迷来说,李宁和李小双的双冠成功必须一提,李宁的出现,标志着当时年轻的中国体操男队跨入了世界强队行列,而李小双时代,则是当时中国体操男队短暂称霸世界的时代。 北京奥运会上顺利成为全能冠军,竞争对手富田和汉布钦早早退出争夺,老将梁泰荣只能勉强支撑,这一切都威胁不到杨威的地位,现在的杨威,已经打破了中国体操选手的年龄限制说,而实力标准始终不降,我们相信,三冠王还不是杨威体操光辉生涯的终结,综观目前的体操世界,杨威还有可能取得四冠乃至五冠的绝对实力!

Third World Series men Dance Championship, the 27-year-old Yang Wei finally completed its predecessors, Li Ning and Li Xiao-double of the beyond, as China's gymnastics history's most dazzling gymnastic star, the difficulty in gymnastics than 20 years ago, far higher than a Cut-off circumstances, in a heated chase epigenetic boy, is already two world champion Yang Wei not only tenacious hold on, but with a more brilliant performance year after year, demonstrate to the world that what is called supreme king. Gymnastics fans to China, Li Ning and Li Xiao-double of the Shuangguan success must mention that the emergence of Li Ning, marking the time the young Chinese gymnastics teaminto the ranks of the world, and Li Xiao-Two-times, it was the Chinese Gymnasticsshort of dominating the world of the times. Beijing Olympics to become successful all-round champion, Tomita and Chinese competitors Buqin for early withdrawal, Yang Tae-young veteran barely support, all this threat to the