I love to look at old photographs in the album..............

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 02:33:29
I love to look at old photographs in the album.My father had a big box of pictures in the cabinet and some of the pictures go way back to the 1890"s.The women dressed with such dignity and had style back then.My Dad would linger around his precious box of photographs and tell me stories about each photo and every one.It was one of those moments that you could not really appreciate when you were young.It is only after he was long gone that I can look back and say thanks for taking the time to show me a tiny window into the world of people who really did know how to live.

1:some of the pictures go way back to the 1890"s. go way back to是短语??这句翻译过来是追溯到1890年.
2.The women dressed with such dignity and had style back then.
and 后面的had是什么意思.没有had是不是也可成立?我觉得没有had句子还好点. back then是什么意思.翻译不对.书上翻译是照片上的女人穿着高贵的.与那时款式相匹配的服装.back then 是什么成分.
3:My Dad would linger around .linger around是短语还是around做介词还是副词.分析下句子成分.
4.it was one of those moment怎么翻译.有点卡住了.

1.go way back to是短语,翻译的正确
2.had 是谓语 style 是宾语,back then是宾补修饰style,就是:有--风格--什么样的风格呢?--可以追溯到那时的风格
3.linger around来回徘徊。My Dad 主语would(助动词表时态) linger (谓语动词)around(副词表示动词的状态方向等等)。这句就是一个主谓结构,介词是用来指示名词的,而副词是用来修饰形容词、动词和副词的。
4.it is...that...是强调句,it is 提出的是要强调的成分,翻译成:“正是...”。
5.It is only after he was long gone that I can look back and say thanks for taking the time to show me a tiny window into the world of people who really did know how to live.
到了他(父亲)已经故去了很久的时候我才能够回顾并且感谢他花时间给我打开了一扇小小的窗口看那个真正懂得怎样生活的人们的世界。也是强调句it is 是强调内容,后面的句子先是一个and链接的并列句,say 做谓语,thanks宾语,for 后面宾补

1.way back 老早就 ,很久以前 ,在句中应该相当于early,强调年代早
2.The women dressed with such dignity and had style back then.
=The women dressed with such dignity and she had style back then.
如果去掉had,dressed with 不能与style 搭配。(个人理解)

back then 当时,那时候 ,作状语
My Dad would linger/ around his precious box of ph