
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 09:36:07
我的班主任是我的英语老师. 他20多岁,但却是个阳光,优秀的男孩. 我很佩服他,这么年轻就这么有才. 他和我们班的同学都相处得很好. 上课的时候他常常要我们仔细听讲,但是在课间,同学们就会把他当成朋友一样. 英语本来就是我最喜欢的课程,由于他的生动讲解,我更坚信了要把英语学好的信心. 我很想了解他到底是一个什么样的人,比起老师我觉得他更像是我的朋友. 他讲课非常的细致,所以更加激发了大家学习英语的热情.
我想他是一个有爱心的男孩,因为他对我们就象自己的孩子一样,当然我是说以后,对吗? 可是我要问他一个问题,像他性格这么好的人,选择做老师会不会很有压力? 性格会不会随着时间而变化?
老师,我会努力学习英语的,因为我以后想出国. 嘿嘿,你是一个让我不会有压力的人知道吗? 我喜欢你,老师!

My class teacher is my english teacher. He is 20 years old, but he is a Sunny and excellent boy. I admire him very much for his talent at the young age , He ge t along with all classmate in our class very well. ;He always ask us to listen attentively in his class, but in the playtime, we play with his as friend. English is my favorite class, due to his vivid explanation, I believed I have confidence to study english well, I know very clearly what a person he is, I think he is my friend rather than my teacher.
He teaches very careful, therefore it will stimulated everybody’ study enthusiasm of English.
i think that he is a caring boy. he teaches us like his child. i want to ask him a question, such a good tempered man like him, will he have press for choicing to become a teacher? If the character will be changed by time.
teacher, i will learn english very hard, because i want to go abroad.
you are a man which did not give me any press.
i like you,my teac