
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 12:56:23
上口语课 ,老师让用
1.working late,wanting to play,homework
2.pet dog,fun,take for walks
3.could not play well,piano lessons,tired

1.Once, there was a hard working student. He loved study and always studied until midnight. His teacher said to him:"You must stop working late! It's bad for your health! " But he said:" Thank you, sir, but I must study hard in order to get good marks!" His teacher were very happy and praised him. He worked harder and harder.

He had a younger brother. His brother was a clever boy, but he didn't like studying at all! He wanted to play very much. So the boy helped his brother a lot. After several lessons, the boy's brother is a good student, too!

2.I have a pet dog and I named him Padfoot. He has black fur, big yellow teeth, and he likes playing with me. Everyday after dinner, I take him out in the garden for a walk. He likes these walks very much.

3.Yesterday, I had a piano lesson. The "music" I played was really dreadful. I feel awful because I didn't practice at all. But I can't help it! I had tons