
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 08:31:51
然后,北京奥运110米栏第一轮试跑时,刘翔脚伤又犯.....他仍坚持....结果第一枪有人抢跑,这时脚伤更厉害了,刘翔无奈退出..... 那是他在本届奥运赛场上留下的最后一个背影。刘翔的退出,相信所有的国人都感到意外。但是,对于久久困于伤病的刘翔来说,退出比赛是他无奈,也是没有办法的选择。我们应该尊重他的选择。中国人有句话,不以成败论英雄。即使刘翔这次退出了,他仍然是我心目中的英雄。因为在这4年中,在成为了英雄后,他没有骄傲,没有放弃,没有躺在功劳簿上停止不前,而是坚持踏踏实实的训练,坚持在狭窄崎岖的道路上继续奋勇直前,这样的刘翔,无论成败都是英雄。


中文意思是:Track and field competition, the sport can be said to be the most important projects, the comprehensive level of a country's sports of the most important indicators, it also has been a Chinese sports as well as the weaknesses of the Asian sports. In the 2004 Athens Olympics, only one stroke 21-year-old Liu Xiang won the 110 meter hurdles champion, not only completed a zero breakthrough in China, is Asia's zero breakthrough.
Overnight, China's Liu Xiang became the most eye-catching sports a star, but also the hearts of many Chinese people's well-deserved hero. In the next four years, this young man, frequently reaching success. In many people's minds, Liu Xiang has become a symbol of the Chinese sports and representatives.
That the 2004 Games, Liu Xiang won a perfect standing at the success of the summit. However, we can see, this road on the competition, is also not stopped one minute before. 110 meter hurdles in the project, has gathered Qunyin