
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 10:34:20
when it was time for the prisoners to go to bed,toad was feeling almost normal.
到了囚犯的就寝时间,toad 觉得自己差不多已经正常了.
1.was feeling 用了现在进行时态
2.feeling almost normal.用了feel可直接接形容词normal
3.我想翻译:到了囚犯的就寝时间,toad 差不多已经说话正常了.
我翻译:when it was time for the prisoners to go to bed,toad was talking almost normal.请问对不对??我想知道的是normal可以形容词后置修饰talking吗??

was feeling 应该是用了过去进行时态
when it was time for the prisoners to go to bed,toad was talking almost normal
normal应该用NORMALLY副词就对啦 修饰动词么 前面FEEL因为是系动词所以可以跟形容词

1 不该用进行是 用一般过去
2可以 系动词加形容词
3 不行 应该前直 TALK为行为动词 用副词修饰
前面没错 但不太地道



was feeling,过去进行时,表示变化

对于3:......,Toad was almost able to talk.因为你要翻译的是“能”说话了,所以用be able to 表示能,而且强调是经过一定努力后的“能”