
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 17:30:35
今天是你23岁的生日 闻到花儿的香味了吗 祝你快乐
和你走来着一路多不容易 还好有你的坚强你的勇敢你的智慧
我会伴在你的左右 爱护 呵护 保护你 到你33 43 53....
加油吧 愿我们美梦成真


Today is the 23-year-old's birthday you smell the aroma of the flowers you wish you happiness
You walked all the way and a more difficult Fortunately, you have the courage of your strong your wisdom
I will be with you in the Prevention of Cruelty to care about you to protect you 33 43 53 ....
We dream come true, it is willing to refueling

Today is the 23-year-old's birthday you smell the aroma of the flowers you wish you happiness
You walked all the way and a more difficult Fortunately, you have the courage of your strong your wisdom
I will be with you in the Prevention of Cruelty to care about you to protect you 33 43 53 ....
We dream come true, it is willing to refueling 。