求把下段话翻译成中文!!要准的话! 追加分数!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:21:09
When the test has been stopped due to “refusal” before the full 300mm below the seating drive has been completed the amount of penetration must be measured and recorded eg 100 blows for 64mm. “Refusal” of the SPT is defined as when the number of blows necessary to penetrate 75mm exceeds 25.

当测试已经停止,原因是“拒绝”之前全部300毫米以下的座位驱动器已完成金额的渗透,必须测量和记录,例如100的冲击,为64毫米。 “拒绝”六方会谈的定义是,当数目的冲击要渗透75毫米超过25个。

