急急急 请高手帮我翻译一篇马来西亚文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:44:17
Hey all you guys!!! I am back to Taipei... Lots of friends text me after they read the news about MyFM Showcase in Genting. Worried that Am I OK? haha. Think you guys might feel the same. That's made me feel bad to make you all worry. Yup, I did an enjoyable performance but not perfect enough, and there is no excuses, so I'll due with it. Just wanna let you all know that I'll being stronger. Just like I said to the press, I am so happy and enjoy the show that night for you all. I got all your supports and I am proud of you all, to achieve the very First Awards of "The Best Fans Club"!!! That's worth for me to go back Malaysia...more than everything. haha. Take good care, you all. I'll do the same here.

哈哈,你是果冻吧!这是栋梁的官方网站个人空间里栋梁写的一篇日志!这是英语不是马来语啦!大意是我回台北了,我有享受什么什么,但是很累……我(之)所以高兴、开心是因为我享受了晚上的一个什么“秀”,我快要回马来西亚了,今天晚上给妈妈(94张妈妈啦)说,她很高兴!大意就是这样啦!英语不怎么的,翻了n久的词典,哈哈,不大ok,将就着看吧!(是看在你也是果冻的份上才给你说的哦,o(∩_∩)o…哈哈)!哦,还有The Best Fans Club"!!! 这句是“最好的粉丝俱乐部”滴意思啦!你愿意和我一起支持栋梁就发个Emilia吧,Love_TeoNicholas@163.com 只要你有发,就证明你是果冻,我会加你滴!
