
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 23:59:07
1. 2006.07-2006.09 进入热带风暴客服部门,处理有关报失,失物招领,寻人等事项。
2. 2006年十一 在世界五百强的百思买工作,工作职责是在各个楼层收取送货安装单子,并且录入到电脑里。
3. 2007年3月 在上海书城的报亭那做《悦己》杂志的销售助理。
4. 2007.09-2008.09 在学校的报亭勤工俭学,工作为销售报纸杂志,饮料冷饮等等,同时要做好记账的工作,我下午的班有时一个人的销售额要达到800多元,同时记账的误差也很小

1. 2006.07-2006.09 进入热带风暴客服部门,处理有关报失,失物招领,寻人等事项。
Enter into the Customer Service Dept of Tropical Storm,to process issue related lost and missing people.
2. 2006年十一 在世界五百强的百思买工作,工作职责是在各个楼层收取送货安装单子,并且录入到电脑里
Work in Best Buy (Fortune 500),working responsibility is to receive the delivery cargo documents and input into the computer.
3. 2007年3月 在上海书城的报亭那做《悦己》杂志的销售助理。
Work as assistant sales for <SELF> in the book shop of Shanghai Book City.
4. 2007.09-2008.09 在学校的报亭勤工俭学,工作为销售报纸杂志,饮料冷饮等等,同时要做好记账的工作,我下午的班有时一个人的销售额要达到800多元,同时记账的误差也很小
Students intern in book shop of the school.To sell the magazine and the newspaper and drinkings.Meanwhile,I do the accounting work.Sometimes,my total sales amount is more that RMB800 and hardly have mistake in accounting


1. 2006.07-2006.09 tropical storm into the customer service department to handle the missing, lost and found items, search and so on.
2 In 2006, 11