2008奥运比赛 英语作文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 23:20:17
奥运比赛的作文 08奥运会的` 最好是博尔特 100M 200M 破记录 急用谢谢!

The opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
As is vividly shown in the website and people all over the world, it is a successful opening ceremony that of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Magnificent scenes and bright light let the foreigners to acclaim it as a marvel, and realized that all is not gold that glitters.
First of all, I believe that this is the embodying of Chinese’s intelligence. Although Chinese martial arts is no longer new for the foreigners, it has also attracted its own fans all over the world, so not unexpected at all, the Congfu performance caught every audience’s eye. The opening ceremony used artistic techniques such as multimedia sound, light, electricity and so on, has unfolded modern China.
Secondly, this is connected with China’s economy development. Nowadays, China is getting strong gradually, so it can bear the huge expenses in this ceremony. Moreover, China has won 51 gold medals in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, this is the embodying of