
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:40:34
公司违反了劳动法第48条:公司没有在合同终止15天内办理我得档案和社会保险关系转移等手续,公司没有依法支付我赔偿金,所以我不承认双方已解除劳动合同,公司应当继续支付我工资,直到公司把所有离职手续办好。我多次向律师反映,如果在奥运会结束前还不帮我办理我会不承认劳动合同已经解除,我会要求公司继续支付我工资,直到手续办完。他说Jennete 拒绝依法办理手续。

The company has violated Labor Law article 48: The company does not go through my file and social insurance relation metastasis wait formalities within termination of contract 15 day , the company does not pay my reparation according to law, therefore I do not admit that both sides already relieves a labour contract , the company ought to continue paying my salary, until the company finishes handling all check-out procedure. I report to the lawyer many times, already remove if not helping me to handle me before Olympiad is over may not admit a labour contract, I am able to require that the company continues paying my salary , am over until procedures handles. He said Jennete goes through formalities according to law in one's refusal to do.