unsatisfactory 什么意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 04:30:03
"Thanksgiving" is a life attitude, a kind of good at found beautiful 这里,beautiful是不是该用名词beauty?
close with是什么意思?
"Thanksgiving" is a life attitude, a kind of good at found beautiful and appreciate beautiful moral character.这是原句
是不是应该改成at finding beauty

unsatisfactory - 不能令人满意的; 不合要求的; 不充分的

就是改为 beauty
Thanksgiving" is a life attitude, a kind of good at found beauty
这还是 病句,除非还有 甚麽下文

close with - 接近,关系亲密
close by - 靠近

luster - 光泽;光亮, 光荣;荣誉

unsatisfactory 不满意

close with 靠近

luster 光泽 光亮; 光荣 荣誉

be good at doing sth. 或加名词
