
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 16:31:30
“我是一个热爱生活、热爱工作的人。温和、谦虚、自律、自信是我的性格特征,积极认真是我的工作态度。之前的工作历练了我的细心、耐心、责任心及进取心,教会我做事有计划、有条理;重视团队协作,对于独立承担的工作会尽职尽责地做好。思维开阔,对新事物有较强的接受能力,能很好地融入新环境,与团队一同前进。希望能够在贵公司得到继续提升自身能力的机会,与其他同事一起,为公司创造更多的利益。 ”

"I am a love life, love the work of the people. Mild, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence is my character traits, positive seriously is my work attitude.seasoned the work before me carefully, patience, sense of responsibility and initiative I do things the church in a planned and orderly; attention to teamwork, commitment to the independence of the work will dutifully do a good job. Visionary, the new things have a stronger ability to accept, can well into the new environment, together with the team Forward. Hope to be able to get your company's ability to continue to enhance their own opportunities, together with other colleagues, for the company to create more interest. "
