德国清新民谣乐队的kings and fair maid 和凯尔特女人合唱团的Spanish lady的歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 17:09:41
随便哪一首都行 唱得挺清楚的 有英语好的可能能听出来 不完全对也行

Celtic Woman - Spanish lady

As I came down through Dublin City
At the hour of twelve at night
Who should I see but the Spanish lady
Washing her feet by candlelight
First she washed them, then she dried them
Over a fire of amber coal
In all my life I ne'er did see
A maid so sweet about the sole

Whack for the toora loora laddy
Whack for the toora loora lay
Whack for the toora loora laddy
Whack for the toora loora lay

As I came back through Dublin City
At the hour of half past eight
Who should I spy but the Spanish lady
Brushing her hair in the broad daylight
First she tossed it, then she brushed it
On her lap was a silver comb
In all my life I ne'er did see
A maid so fair since I did roam


As I went back through Dublin City
As the sun began to set
Who should I spy but the Spanish lady
Catching a moth in