
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 16:27:12

It is a "Out Meade" (that is, fine sand). One day the children in the gravel pit dredging found it. It has thousands of years old. Of course, fine sand can help people realize their aspirations - can only wish for a day, but when the sun downhill at the end of it all. Anthea, Cyrillic, Robert and Jane think this is fantastic. Their little brother also is too small, not wishes, but most of the time at home; several other calculations may be a more exciting things.

It can then what is it «has become beautiful, rich, or, like the birds like to fly» sometimes come up with genuine good wishes very difficult, but Tuokou say "I hope……" it is very easy, then You were not really want things. At this time on the fine sand has refused to help. Chulecicuo angry when it said: "Why do not you first want to say good» "

And things often go wrong is……
