
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 09:36:05

2008 Beijing Olympic Games, you will be full of the wisdom of the green. 2008 Olympic Games will bring the peoples of the world to open birthday gifts like that after the surprise package. As the International Olympic Committee Evaluation Commission said, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in China and the world of sports will leave a unique legacy. I am confident that our athletes will use wisdom and courage to sweep Olympic stadium, one of the five-star red flag raised in Beijing.
2008 Zhuanshun to that, Yao Wang Beijing, my heart full of hope. I look forward to the 2008 Beijing Olympics to make its own contribution, I look forward to Beijing to watch the 2008 Olympic Games, I look forward to their early passage into the pillars of our country. You work long way to go, great and arduous, the symbol of a bright future, unity, friendship, peace, justice in the countries of the Olympic athletes in the spirit of struggling upward, faster, higher, stronger, as in life, the most import