
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/29 21:10:33
什么是Agilent data logger呢?Agilent data logger是一个监控实验室设备并且记录数据的系统。它的好处有:1. Collect Environmental Data from Lab Tools
2. Allow Tracking of Lots 3. Transfer All Data to Server for Viewing & Reporting。
为什么要做这一套系统?因为,以前如果QRE问我们要他们case的数据的话,我们是没有这样详细的数据可以提供给他们,而且机器晚上发生报警的话我们也不能够准确的知道报警是从哪个时间开始的。现在有了这套系统我们可以提供给QRE准确的他们想要的数据;一旦发生报警,我们只需查看历史数据就能够知道报警的时间,然后就可以把时间补上。 最后就是和VF进行CE。
接下来介绍一下这套系统是如何工作的。我们在每台设备里安装热电耦,热电耦用来监控设备里的工作状况,得到的数据经由Agilent 34980A采集然后再输送到服务器上,通过专有的软件转换成我们可以读明白的数据。
最后,我想讲一下,这套系统的cost仅仅是PG site同样一套系统的1/5。它主要节约在采集设备上。如我所知,PG很多lab的机器是一台机器上面一台netdaq,netdaq的几个估计在5K左右,而netdaq只有20个channel,所以一台netdaq最多只能采集2台TC的的数据。而我们采用的Agilent34980A 一台机器有240channel之多,所以我们lab所有的机器总共采用了一台Agilent34980A。

What is Agilent data logger? » Agilent data logger is a monitoring laboratory equipment and record data system. Its benefits: 1. Collect Environmental Data from Lab ToolsWhy should such a system » Because, before we asked if QRE their case to the data, we do not have such detailed information can be provided to them and the police machinery in the evening so we can not know the exact time of alarm from the start. Now, with this system we can provide to the QRE accurate they want the data in case of alarm, we just look at historical data will be able to know the alarm time, and then will be able to make up time. VF is a final and CE.Next tell us about how the system is working. In each piece of equipment we installed thermal coupling, decoupling thermoelectric devices, used to monitor the working conditions, the data collected by Agilent 34980A Zaishu then sent to the server, through proprietary software we can read into the data to understand .Although this system has a lo