Subject: Enquiry - CPOC: Ocean going tow tug

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:30:58
Subject: Enquiry - CPOC: Ocean going tow tug
Importance: High

Dear Sirs,

Pls propose for the following:-
1) Ocean tow tug for JKA Topside, min BP => 40MT - 1 ea
2) Ocean tow tug for JKA Jacket, min BP => 50MT - 1ea

Onhire for both : 23/9/08 (-3 days / +11days)
Charter duration : minimum 30 days with option to extend 10 days.
Work area : From Oilfab yard in Klang to Malaysian-Thai joint
development area
Workscope : 1) To tow 250x80ft barge loaded with JKA
2) To tow 280x90ft barge loaded with JKA jacket

Please revert with your proposal using the attached template, and to be
supported with the latest version of vessel's specification, Bollard Pull
and trading certificate, before/on 29/8/08 (1600Hrs)

帮忙翻译一下 谢谢
前面两个都不对 感觉是在线直译的
主要是JKA Topside, min BP => 40MT - 1 ea 和JKA Jacket, min BP => 50MT - 1ea ,1) To tow 250x80ft barge loaded with JK

Subject: Enquiry - CPOC: Ocean going tow tug
Importance: High
Dear Sirs,
Pls propose for the following:-
1) Ocean tow tug for JKA Topside, min BP => 40MT - 1 ea
1) 远洋拖轮干舷侧装JKA,基本费率最低运费=40运费吨
2) Ocean tow tug for JKA Jacket, min BP => 50MT - 1ea

Onhire for both : 23/9/08 (-3 days / +11days)
Charter duration : minimum 30 days with option to extend 10 days.
Work area : From Oilfab yard in Klang to Malaysian-Thai joint
development area 拓展区
Workscope : 1) To tow 250x80ft barge loaded with JKA
工作范围: 1)拖250*80英尺驳船,装载JKA
topside/deck 干舷/甲板
2) To tow 280x90ft barge loaded with JKA jacket
2)拖 280*90英尺驳船,装载 JKA 夹克
Please revert with your proposal using the attached template, and to be