
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 17:13:59
This water supply should be available to the fire fighters within 10 minutes of fire notification. The basic requirement can be met by a private or public water supply, or by a combination of both. Hydrants can be taken into account if they are within 100 m of the most remote point of the facility, and if a residual pressure of 0.5 bar can be maintained in the water main at full water demand. The required amount of water can be drawn from 2 separate hydrants or from other water bodies if they are not subject to freezing. The water supply at sprinkler-protected buildings should meet the full sprinkler demand plus between 950 and 2750 l/min (for fire fighting purposes) depending on the occupancy but regardless of the size of the buildings.

这个供水,应可向消防战士在10分钟内的消防通知。基本要求可以得到满足,由私人或公共食水供应,或由两者的结合。龙头可以顾及如果他们是在100米的最偏远一点,该设施的,如果剩余的压力, 0.5酒吧可以保持在水中的主要在充分的水资源需求。所需的水,可以得出从2单独的消防栓或从其他水体,如果他们不受到冻结。供水在喷洒保护的建筑物,应完全满足需求,再加上洒水之间的950和二千七百五十〇升/分钟(救火用途)视乎入住,但不论大小建筑物。