
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:36:33
1.良好的人际关系(interpersonal relationship)是建设和谐(harmony)社会的关键。
3.不要以貌取人(judge people by their appearances)。
5.与别人有分歧时要商量(consult with)。

1.良好的人际关系(interpersonal relationship)是建设和谐(harmony)社会的关键。
Good interpersonal relationship is the key to building a harmony society.
You should be kind to and care about others while making friends.
3.不要以貌取人(judge people by their appearances)。
Don't judge people by their appearances.
You should try to remember others' names.
5.与别人有分歧时要商量(consult with)。
You should consult with others when there is any disagreement.

1.Good interpersonal relationship is the key to building harmony society.
2.Making friends means being friendly to others and care more about them.
3.Never judge people by their appearances.
4.Try as hard as you can to remember other's name.
5.Consult with people who has divergence with you.