
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:09:33
ANDY让RED答应他如果能从监狱里出去,去找到一个buxton附近的很特殊的高原,那是他向他妻子救婚的地方. 在一个黑岩玻璃下有一个盒子, 找到那个盒子RED就会知道怎么回事了


Andy wanted Red to promise him that if he could get out of the prison, go and find a particular hayfield nearby Buxton. That’s where he asked his wife to marry him. There’s a box buried under a piece of black volcanic glass below a big oak, find( found) it and he would know what happened.

Andy wanted Red to promise him that if he could get out of the prison, he would go and find a particular hayfield which is near to Buxton. That’s where he asked his wife to marry him. And there’s a box buried under a piece of black volcanic glass below a big oak. If he found it, he would know what was happened.


さゆ - 高级经理 六级的大致正确了,就有几个小地方稍微修改下

Andy wanted Red to promise him that if he could get out of the prison, he would go and find a particular hayfield which is near to Buxton. That was where he had asked his wife to marry him. And there was a box buried under a piece of black volcanic glass below a big oak. If he found it, he would know what happened.


另外,求婚可以用propose to sb.这样比你的表达简洁多了。


第一行最后一个“a”应该用“the”.后面应该是that's the place he asked...后面把句子断开,“找到。。。”重新起一句话,英文和中文格式不一样,不能这么说的。He can find t