
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 10:40:47
1 这条鱼真难闻。
2 别让你的长发靠近炉子
3 老师似乎对你刚才的回答满意
4 秋天一到,树叶变黄了
5 我的英语老师穿上这条裙子看上去很美
6 据报导,这些天还是很炎热
7 这道菜尝起来味道好极了

1.The fish smells bad.
2.Do not let your long hair get near to the stove.
3.The teacher seemed to be satisfied with your previous answers.
4.As the fall comes, the leaves turn yellow.
5.My English teacher looks pretty in this suit.
6.As reported, it'll be hot these days.
7.The dish tastes good.

1.This fish is smelly.
2.Your long hair should keep off the stove.
3.The teacher seemed to be satisfied with your answer just now.
4.When the fall arrives, the leaves turn yellow.
5.my English teacher seems very beautifl when dressing in this skirt.
6.According to news,these days could be hot still.
7.this dish tastes good.

1. The fish smells so bad.
2. Don't make your long hair near the
3. It seems the teacher was satisfied with your answer just now.
4. Leaves will turn yellow when autumn comes.
5. My English teacher looks very beautiful when she dressed in tha