
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 16:58:02
Ok, so I just updated to Vista SP1, and wanted to change the TCPIP limit on Vista.

So I did, I followed all the instructions for changing the TCP in (RTM 16000 SP1), so yes, I did have the correct version.

Great, I changed it, went into regstry, set my new limit, restarted.
And problems started.

I started up, got a wonderful STOP: 0x000007F (0x00000008, 0x805D3130, 0x00000000, 0x0000000) blue screen.

◆错误分析:一般是由于有问题的硬件(比如:内存)或某些软件引起的. 有时超频也会产生这个错误.
◇解决方案:用检测软件(比如:Memtest86)检查内存, 如果进行了超频, 请取消超频. 将PCI硬件插卡从主板插槽拔下来, 或更换插槽. 另外, 有些主板(比如:nForce2主板)在进行超频后, 南桥芯片过热也会导致蓝屏, 此时为该芯片单独增加散热片往往可以有效解决问题.