
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:28:51
No Bill of lading to be signed for any blocked part,and if the port of destination be declared blocked after Bill of Loding has been signed,ower shall discharge the cargo,either at the part of loading against payment of the expense of discharge,if the ship has not sailed,or,if sailed at any safe port on the way as ordered by shipper or if no order is giver at the nearest saft place against paymengt of fullfreight.

为任何封锁的部分将签字提货单和,如果口岸的位置被宣称阻拦了,在Loding的法案签署了之后, ower不会释放货物,二者之一在装载的部分反对放电费用的付款,如果船未航行,否则,如果航行在任何安全口岸在途中如预定由托运人或,如果顺序不是送礼者在最近的saft地方反对fullfreight paymengt。
