
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 00:50:03
群星的北京欢迎你和刘德华Every One Is No.1现在还是蛮流行的,我想在英语汇演的时候唱一定可以引起“骚动”!嘿嘿!有哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下两首歌的英文版啊?只翻译其中的一首也可以,我把他的答案设为最佳答案后可以提高至20—30悬赏分!!


  Dawning of another morning filled with refreshing air

  The air has changed; but emotion still scents like tea

  My doors are always open, ready to embrace you with a hug

  A hug to know you better, for you'll love this place

  Wherever you're from you'll be our guest so just be at home

  We have agreed to meet here, we'd like to welcome you.

  The Everygreen at my place is quite legendary

  Sown on the old Soil for memories to be cherished

  Strangers, old pals are our guests, so just be at home

  Whether newcomers or revisitors, we sure have lots to chat

  Welcome to Beijing, we built these all for you

  Flow with charm, refreshed and energized.

  Welcome to Beijing, let's take a breath beneath the sun

  Let's set our new records on this Soil

  My doors are always open, we're op