
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 04:09:43
1、 岗位职责不明确;
2、 质量目标未展开;
3、 绩效考核尚欠缺;
4、 企业文化待宣传;
5、 员工培训需加强;
6、 管理能力要提高;
7、 设备更新待改进;
8、 工作环境要创造。
1、 在建立ISO9000质量系统,首要的条件就是组织结构设置合理,人员岗位职责明确。而现在的情况,不到60个人的公司,管理交叉问题严重,工作职责一级推一级。
2、 没有细化的质量目标,部门间工作会很难开展,没有量的记载就没有质的突破。
3、 真正带动员工动力的,就是一个“钱”字,良好的绩效考核方式,赏罚分明,不仅消除员工间隔阂,更能为公司的生产注入强心剂。
4、 任何公司的发展,最后能留住

Hello! Joined the company almost half the time, some understanding, some awareness. This can not be counted as today's summing up, no assessment can only be described as a kind of feeling. Because of the contradictory feelings that many of the difficult things Kai mouth.
Complex network of relationships, is the first company to my knowledge. Heard too many words, a Maitou do their own thing and not the others how, how. Allows you to do, what to do, to what extent, no one will control you, because no matter what you do, all of no avail. Companies like this to be the first advice.
Companies look at the staff, the staff look at the company, look at the management company, employees can manage, this is a cycle. From the beginning the initial understanding of the low quality of staff, to the grassroots level managers of the old staff's attitude, to the middle-level management. Through this period, the root of the problem is not aware of the staff and management.