请问http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMyODQzMTY=.html这上面的背景音乐是什么歌啊~~? 谢了~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:52:07
这上面的背景音乐超好听~~~!! 请问叫是没名字啊~~谢了~~!!

歌名:Be What U Wanna be

Darin演唱,这是瑞典的一个选秀节目获胜歌曲,号称国外的“超男”,歌曲的另一个名称是《Peerless》 ,其实是同一首歌。


doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer
why not president, be a dreamer
you can be just the one you wanna be
police man, fire fighter or a post man
why not something like your old man
you can be just the one you wanna be
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer
why not president, be a dreamer
you can be just the one you wanna be
i know that we all got one thing
that we all share together
we got that one nice dream
we live for
you never know what life could bring
coz nothing last for ever
just hold on to the team
you play for
i know you cou