
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 19:24:20
写一篇题为The Population Problem的作文,词数在70字左右.

Employment problem可以参考:)~
The Chinese government has always been highly concerned about and placed great importance on the employment of women, youth and disabled people, providing legal guarantees for equal employment for men and women, and actively adopting preferential policies for protecting employment of the disabled.

In May 2001, the Chinese government promulgated The Program for the Development of Chinese Women (2001-2010), which set the goal of promoting womens employment. With the countrys sustained, rapid economic growth, and the development of industries and trades suitable for womens employment, the female population in employment has continuously grown, and the fields of employment for them have kept expanding. The female population in employment in Chinas urban and rural areas increased from 291 million in 1990 to 337 million in 2003.

Today, there are 41.56 million women employees in urban units, accounting for 38 percent of the total empl