中译英 谢谢 会的进来帮帮忙 好的追分!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:06:15
1,你应该注意你站和坐的方式(the way)
4, 经理叫他的秘书提醒他下周参加一个重要会议(remind)

you should pay attention to the way you stand and sit

the great wall really gave them a great impression

i prefer playing tennis to swimming

the manager asks her secretary to remind him to attend a very important meeting next week

in order to communicate better with colleagues, mr wang decides to improve the way he talks

You should pay attention to the way you stand an sit.
The Great Wall gave them a deep impression.
I prefer playing tennies to swimming.
The manager asked his secretary to remind him to attend an important meeting next week.
For communicating with colleagues much better,Mr Wang decided to improve his manner of talking.