英语 翻译, 谢谢··

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:35:16
请各位帮我翻译下英文, 尽量用简单的 的单词 谢谢!~ 注意标点符号, 谢谢

每个人都拥有自己的偶像,我喜欢迈克尔杰克逊,Michael Jackson,5岁出道,8岁成名,10岁出唱片,12岁成为美国历史上最年轻的冠军歌曲歌手,25岁时打破乐坛所有销售与获奖的记录,30岁时被誉为“流行音乐之王”!他有着迷人魅力,几乎所有人都喜欢他和他的歌曲,其实偶像也是种精神力量。

Each people have own idol, I like Michael Jackson, Michael the Jackson,5 year old make a debut, 8 years old become famous, 10 annual expenditure phonograph records, 12 years old become in the American history the youngest champion song singer, when 25 years old breaks musical world all sales and the prize record, when 30 years old is honored as “king of the pop music”! He has the enchanting charm, nearly all people like him and his song, actually the idol is also a spiritual strength.

Each has its own idol, I like Michael Jackson, 5-year-old debut, 8-year-old fame, a 10-year-old records, 12-year-old history of the United States to become the youngest champion song singer, 25-year-old music at the break all sales and award-winning Records, at the age of 30 as the "king of pop music!" He has a fascinating charm, almost everyone likes him and his songs, in fact, Idol is kind of spiritual power.

Each has its own idol, I like Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, 5-year