The Girl With April In Her Eyes

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 14:37:57
Chris De Burgh的,开头有一将近3分钟的英文,是用说的,要这段英文。。。


发广告或是没有答案还跑来赚分的通通给我go away
那个是歌词诶...我要的是开头的一段Chris De Burgh说的英文...是说的, 不是歌词...

There once was a king, who called for the spring,

For his world was still covered with snow,

But the spring had not been, for he was wicked and mean,

In his winter fields nothing would grow;

And when a traveller called, seeking help at the door,

Only food and a bed for a night,

He ordered his slave to turn her away,

The girl with April in her eyes...

Oh, oh, oh, on and on she goes,

Through the winters night, the wild wind and the snow,

Hi, hi, hi, on and on she rides,

Someone help the girl with April in her eyes...

She rode through the night till she came to the light,

Of a humble mans home in the woods,

He brought her inside, by the firelight she died,

And he buried her gently and good;

Oh the morning was bright, all the world snow-white,

But when he came to the place where she lay,
