谁读过这本书:A Wrinkle in Time

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:07:19
第一个故事名是Mrs Whatsit这个故事大概什么意思?中文跟英文一起哦~!好的加分!!!!!!!!!

主人公是Meg,一个女孩,和她的5岁弟弟Charles,他们的爸爸是一个物理学家,在五维空间研究的时候不见了,但是Meg并不知情。Mrs.Whatsit,Mrs.Who 和 Mrs.Which其实是虚幻人物,她们原本是星星,为了和黑暗影子战斗而牺牲了,现在出现在他们的梦境里,帮助他们寻找他们的父亲。
The main characters are Meg,a girl,and her five year old brother Charles,their father is a physicist,when he was reserching in the tesseract,he had gone,but Meg doesn't know.Mrs.Whatsit,Mrs.Who and Mrs.Which are actually fake people(not even people),they were stars,they fighted with the black shadow and disappeared,now they appeared in their dream,helping them to find their father.