100分求助:关于lingua franca (混合语言)的好处

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 19:04:57
例如:to protect the purity of a language is a waste of time and energy就不用说了呵呵.支持lingua franca,也就是不需要purity language,越多越好。我会另外加100分!!!最好用英文回答。请大家多多帮忙啊!!

It is easier to take down notes when I use mixed language (lingua franca?) I speak Spanish, English and German, and sometimes I found that a concept described using 8 words in English might be described in only two words or even one. If this kind of mixture is properly used, we can increase the efficiency of note-taking, which would help people work better.

I don't think dialects would take over Mandarin because first, if a dialect is big enough, it might become a language itself (like Cantonese), or it might merge with others if it's not widely-spoken. With the governments' support, Mandarin would be the standard for a long time.

In search of an asian lingua franca
Just now I read an article titled IN SEARCH OF AN ASIAN LINGUA FRANCA, firstly posted on International Herald Tribe on May 28th, 2005, by philip bowring.

The author doubted the future of English as a lingua franca in Asain, as it was being undermined by different languages su