自作自受 的英文翻译. 要褒义的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 15:32:18
自作自受 的英文翻译. 要褒义的

自己作的事情 无论好坏 都会影响自己

as you sow, so will you reap


自作自受 [zì zuò zì shòu]
bear the ill consequence of one's own doings

褒义:what you did will finally cause an influence to yourself at the end.
贬义的到会不少:what somebody did will finally bite him/herself in the ass......

have only oneself to thank
lie in the bed one has madestew in one's own grease
stew in one's own juice

you should be responsible for what you did

is well deserved