
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:51:04

Abstract(摘要):this paper is from the angle of goverment responsibility in the public crisis management. it talks from the comtent of public crisis management 、 the concept of goverment credibility and its evaluation standard. it is based on the different stage of crisis management and the words 、deeds and results. i mainly analyze the relationship between the public crisis management and goverment credibility .

This article from the public liability crisis management in the Government's point of view, from a public crisis management and the credibility of the content and concept evaluation criteria talked to different stages of crisis management and the government's statement, transportation, fruit as the main basis, the focus of crisis management and public Credibility of the interrelationship between.

Viewing from the government's responsibility in management of public crisis, this paper easpecially analysizes the relationship between management of publi